
If the school has notified you that your child has been referred to Education Welfare Services, one of our Education Welfare Officers will write to you. This will either be to arrange a home visit or to inform you that they will be monitoring your child's attendance. The home visit is an opportunity to discuss the reasons for absence and to look at supporting your child to achieve their full education entitlement.

The Education Welfare Officer may be able to support you in reengaging your child with education, breaking down barriers and can act as a link between professionals. If you have been sent a monitoring letter you may wish to request a home visit instead. Contact details for your designated officer will be included at the top of your letter.

While referred to the Education Welfare Officer, you are still required to follow the school’s process of ringing in your child each day that they are absent and, if the school have requested, to continue to provide medical evidence for any absences due to illness. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Officer using their details on the letter you receive. Please note that Education Welfare Services is a term-time only service and replies during school holidays will be limited.

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